Alumni Hall of Fame Nomination


College of Southern Idaho
Alumni Hall of Fame Awards

The College of Southern Idaho Alumni Association invites nominations for the awards listed below. Upon receiving nominations, the committee will review and vote on conferring the various awards to the individuals most deserving of recognition. The awards will be presented during the Alumni Hall of Fame celebration to be held on the evening of Friday, April 25th.

Nominees for these awards are to be based on the following criteria:

  • History at CSI: The nominee must have earned a certificate and/or degree and must have graduated at least three years before the nomination. Current employees and board* members are not eligible for nomination. *Includes both Foundation Board of Directors and CSI Board of Trustees
  • Professional Accomplishments: The nominee should have demonstrated exceptional achievement or advancement in their career, which may include earned degrees, professional training, recognition within their field, and outstanding contributions to their profession.
  • Community Service: Nominee must have a demonstrated record of community participation and involvement.
  • Advocacy for Higher Education and/or Support of CSI: The nominee should have a successful history in one or both of these areas, promoting the value of higher education and/or actively supporting CSI.
  • Rising Star: Nominee must have graduated within the last 10 years and has demonstrated exemplary work in their profession/field.
  • Availability: In addition to the above criteria, the nominee should be able to attend the Alumni Hall of Fame ceremony to be held on the evening of Friday, April 25th. The award recipient will also be invited to deliver a brief address during the program.

To submit a nomination for the 2025 award, please use the following online nomination form. To ensure eligibility, please complete all fields on the form to the best of your ability. We recommend having all relevant information about the nominee available before proceeding. Please note the deadline for nominations is March 7th.

Current employees and board* members are not eligible for nomination.

*Includes both Foundation Board of Directors and CSI Board of Trustees


Contact Karrie Van Noy: or 208-732-6249

Foundation Staff

Erika Allen

Executive Director for
CSI Foundation and Resource Development

Judi Laughlin

Administrative Assistant
CSI Foundation, Inc.

Karrie Van Noy

Assistant Director
CSI Foundation, Inc.